Stupid Yahoo! News tricks

Dear Yahoo! News editors:

I will no longer be using your service. You decided, at some point, that since I clicked on a couple of articles from The Blaze, that all I want to see are news articles from The Blaze. This is patently false. Your algorithms suck. I have tried to clear my cookies and get back to AP and Reuters and other news showing up on my Middle East feed, to no avail. You insist that I log in with my Facebook account. Screw that. Not going to happen. It’s none of your damned business who my FB friends are.

And so, I’m leaving you for Fox News, which has the decency to allow you to pick and choose which stories you would like to see, and not force The Blaze down your throat because you once or twice clicked on a story from there.

I do not dislike Glenn Beck, but if I want news from The Blaze, I’ll damned well go to that site myself.

You’ve just lost yourself a steady reader.

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One Response to Stupid Yahoo! News tricks

  1. teqjack says:

    Or I suppose you could just go (bookmark?)
    and NOT SIUGN IN.
    But yes, I have had this sort of complaint since “cookie” usage became universal. About once a year I click on an advert or go to a site for automobiles, and it takes weeks for the adverts for other cars, car loans, auto parts, car insurance etc to go away unless I delete cookies – which I now do daily. I have not owned a car for years – I cannot afford the insurance, let be the car and its ancillary expenses.

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