The 9/11 case

So the “20th hijacker” is going to get the death sentence.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) – A federal jury found al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui eligible Monday to be executed, linking him directly to the horrific Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and concluding that his lies to FBI agents led to at least one death on that day.

A defiant Moussaoui said, “You’ll never get my blood, God curse you all.”

Actually, yeah, we will get your blood. Virginia isn’t New Jersey. If you get a death sentence, it will be carried out.

I have to say, though, I’m conflicted on this. I think he’s lying about his involvement in the 9/11 plot. His claims about Richard Reid have been contradicted by others who have no reason to lie about Moussaoui. On the other hand, he’s clearly part and parcel of the terrorist movement that wants to destroy America.

But there’s one thing I don’t understand. Since we keep on hearing about how Israel is the reason all this terrorism has been carried out by Al Qaeda — even from our buddies Walt and Mearsheimer — howcome Moussaoui didn’t mention Israel in his testimony?

Or did I miss that part?

Buh-bye, Zack. We won’t miss you.

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5 Responses to The 9/11 case

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    This guy is dumb enough to believe that he’ll go to paradise and be served by 72 virgins for eternity. I say give him 3,000 life sentences, to run successively, one for each person murdered on 9/11. With any luck he’ll go mad while in prison and kill himself, thus automatically going, in his theological views, to Hell.

    He’s headed there anyway, but there is no need to hurry the trip. He wants to be a shaheed. Deprive him of that.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I agree. The stinker clearly is willing to lie through his eyeteeth in order to become a martyr to the cause. I say 10,000 years in solitary with nothing to occupy his time but listening to the song stylings of that Hasidic rapper whose name I can’t recall…

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    Yes, but why should we have to maintain him in luxury at our expense. Besides, the way the death penalty is carried out in this country, he is likely to have it stayed until Jack Kevorkian is available to carry it out.

  4. Li'l Mamzer says:

    I say 10,000 years in solitary with nothing to occupy his time but listening to the song stylings of that Hasidic rapper whose name I can’t recall…

    Matisyahu, mon. Much more reggae than rap, you see. He does a song called “Jerusalem” which I like very much.

  5. Sabba Hillel: Not in Virginia. If he’s sentenced to death, he will die. Now, if this were New Jersey, fuhgeddaboudit.

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