Sunday Snarks

Israel, you’re goin’ down! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Khameini said that “with God’s help,” Israel would disappear. Well, then. We’ve got nothing to worry about, because I’m pretty sure God isn’t that Allah dude.

The sky is falling, Jordanian style: Yet another “If the U.S. doesn’t force Israel to make peace with the Palestinians, the world will end!” story. This time, it’s the unelected King of Jordan who is talking about how U.S. credibility is on the line. Uh, yeah. Which country was it, exactly, where terrorists tried to bomb the Israeli convoy? Oh, that’s right. Jordan. Credibility. This is also the nation where Christians were arrested for proselytizing, the lying liars that destroyed the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem yet chide Israel for digging in the Old City, and the nation where it’s illegal to insult the king. Hey, king: You’re an asshole. There, now I’ll never be able to travel to Jordan.

By the way, this is yet another in a long line of the narrative the Arabs are trying desperately to get the world to adopt: That if peace doesn’t happen soon, it won’t happen at all. This is the “one-state solution” threat that we keep hearing from Mahmoud Abbas. But in order for that to happen, Israel would have to agree to it. Yeah, I don’t see that ever happening.

Via Jammie Wearing Fool, this Audi video is amazing for its inability to grasp the irony of the “Green Police.” Irony truly is dead.

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