Mealy-mouthed AP? Or is it the family?

Whoever it is, according to this short article, that somebody is trying to confuse the hell out of the jury at Zacarias Moussaoui’s trial.

The mother of Zacarias Moussaoui, who has been ruled eligible for the death penalty, said yesterday a life sentence would be as bad as execution. Aicha Moussaoui, in an interview on More 4 News last night, said: “Whether he’s condemned to death or condemned to life, it’s the same. In fact it’s worse to be condemned to life than to die.”

I think that the ambiguity created by the above quote must be cleared up in time, before the judge and the jury start to deal with the issue of a suitable punishment.

After all, it may come to a situation when mother’s wishes will become that last feather on the scale of justice. Besides, we have to be sure that baby Zacarias is in synch with his mother on the subject…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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8 Responses to Mealy-mouthed AP? Or is it the family?

  1. Llife might be punitive if we were not required to allow the prisoner lots of privileges. The average lifer lives better than the average pensioner.

  2. Yankev says:

    “The mother of Zacarias Moussaoui, who has been ruled eligible for the death penalty” Why? Was she convicted of raising a terrorist, and is that a capital crime these days?

    English the best of is here spoken.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    I would say that the problem of keeping him alive at taxpayer expense should be considered. I would say that he should be locked up and fed only as long as he can pay for the food. If he cannot, let him starve to death. If an innocent person like Terry Schiavo could have been killed by starvation, so to can a murderer like this sub-animal.

  4. Li'l Mamzer says:

    I can tell you from personal experience (not as in inmate) that incarceration in a high-security federal pen is not at all like the proverbial Tennis Camp. While nothing we can legally throw at Moussaoui may ever give us the feeling of just retribution, it’s all we can (and probably should) expect if he doesn’t actually get the death penalty.

  5. Robert says:

    I think each of the families should have a chance to whip and torture Zach…until he is unconcious….wait til he wakes up and then the next family gets their crack at him. Sorry that my thoughts are blunt, but it is the only way he can be punished in a suitable manner until he is dead. I also think that we should bring back the Byzantine/Oriental traditions back of unusual punishments and such….especially in such cases.

  6. Rahel says:

    Robert, I disagree. If the state executes a terrorist, let it do so in as humane and dignified a manner as possible, if only to show that unlike the terrorist, it does not stoop to taking pleasure in causing suffering.

    Also … those barbaric punishments had a way of backfiring eventually.

  7. Robert says:

    The Arab culture tends to recognize strength and force. If they see the the lengths we will go to punish them, I believe that their resistance will diminsh. I could be wrong, but being “compassionate and careful” has not brought us any moral highground domestically or internationally. IMHO.

  8. Michael Lonie says:

    Robert has a point. I believe that one of the reasons that the Arabs keep believing that Israel will fold eventually is that Israel never did a Hama on any Pali cities. That’s what the Arabs expect, and if they don’t get it they think you’re a wuss. Same thing with the US in Iraq. Mind you I’m not advocating such massacres. I’m just saying that our failure to kill civilians at horrific rates, as the Arabs do in their wars (cf Lebanon or Yemen) makes them think we are weak.

    As for Zach M., if life in prison is worse than death for him by all means give it to him. 3,000 successive life sentences, one for each of the people his comrades murdered on 9/11, is appropriate. When he dies or kills himself bury him with a lump of salt pork in his mouth.

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