What’s wrong with this picture?

Kofi Annan has released a statement about the current Israeli military response in Gaza, calling on “both sides to refrain from any measures that could cause a further escalation.”

“The Secretary-General is extremely concerned about the continuation and intensification of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, including indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza, a suicide bombing last week, and major Israeli reprisal operations,” a spokesman for Mr. Annan said in a statement.

He called on the Palestinian Authority “to take a clear public stand against violence and to take firm measures against the perpetrators of rocket attacks and suicide bombings.” The Government of Israel was called on “to ensure that its responses are proportionate and do not endanger the civilian population.”

Mr. Annan asked both sides “to act in conformity with international law, and to refrain from taking any steps which further escalate the violence,” according to the statement, which was released in New York as well as Sevilla, Spain, where the Secretary-General is traveling.

This is a good thing, right? What’s wrong with it?

Here’s what’s wrong with it: The kassam rockets have been falling daily for months, both before and after the Gaza withdrawal. Kofi Annan does not see fit to worry about the rockets until the IDF responds militarily and kills a bunch of palestinian terrorist. Then, suddenly, Kofi is “concerned” and utters a statement condemning “both sides,” when in reality he has turned a blind eye to palestinian violence the entire time.

Only when Israel defends itself does the UN spring into action.

Eff you very much, Kofi, and by the way, nice job on the Oil-for-Food scandal, too.

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4 Responses to What’s wrong with this picture?

  1. House him in a tent in Sderot the next time he goes to the region.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Again, Meryl, why the fuss? I told you last week how it worked: deeds from the Jews and words from the Palis, that’s what the world demands.

    Same here: the PA has to “take a stand,” i.e. say something nice. The Israelis have to stop defending themselves.

  3. Li'l Mamzer says:

    I think Kofi Annan is very suave.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    He is a very mean dog. When you attack him he defends himself.

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