The religion of peace oppresses Christians

Say, remember just the other day when the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem said that Muslims don’t oppress Christians?

He’s right, if you don’t consider murder and stabbings “oppression.”

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – Worshippers at three Christian churches came under attack from knife-wielding assailants during Mass Friday. Police said one worshipper was killed and more than a dozen wounded in the simultaneous attacks in the northern city of Alexandria.

Police were searching for three men, one in each attack.

Hundreds of Christians gathered in angry protest outside the Coptic Christian churches, and witnesses said clashes erupted between Christians and Muslims.

Initial police reports said a total of 17 people were injured: 10 at the Saints Church in downtown Alexandria and three at the nearby Mar Girgis Church. A third attacker wounded four worshippers at a church in Abu Qir, a few miles to the east.

One worshipper was killed and at least two others were in serious condition, a police official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

And here is the AP boilerplate “This is the exception to the rule” excuse:

Coptic Christians account for about 10 percent of Egypt’s population of 72 million and generally live in harmony with the Muslim majority, though violence flares occasionally.

But they end their story with this:

In October, Muslims attacked churches and shops in Alexandria over the distribution of a DVD of a play deemed offensive to their religion. Four people were killed in weeklong riots.

Yes, Muslims treat other religions perfectly well. Uh-huh. Sure.

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2 Responses to The religion of peace oppresses Christians

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    This is the Muslim equivalent of lynching in the Jim Crow South. Gotta keep those kufrs in their place, or they might get uppity, know what I mean Cletus, er Ahmed? This sort of thing is why 80 percent of Pali Christians now live in Israel and why Bethlehem is now a Muslim-majority town.

    Pali Christians have traditionally been at least as Jew hating as the Muslims, if not more so. There is an exquisite irony in the fact that the only country in the Middle East where Christians can now be safe from persecution by believers of the majority religion is also the only one ruled by Jews, Israel.

  2. pst314 says:

    Michael Lonie: You are exactly correct. And even if “infidels” always behaved submissively there would still be occasional atrocities, to remind them of their proper place–and to gratify Muslims raised to enjoy cruelty.

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