Iran’s proxy war against Israel, cont’d

Dead man walking Hassan Nasrallah has given Israel more reason to send him a Hellfire missile greeting card. He admitted publicly what we have known for years: Hezbullah is financing palestinian terror organizations. And thus we have another admission that Iran is at war with Israel, and has been for years. Not that anything’s wrong with that, according to the UN.

BEIRUT – The leader of Hezbollah acknowledged giving militant Palestinian factions financial and political support, but denied arming them, in an interview published on Thursday.

Sheik Hassan Nasrallah did not name the groups in an extensive interview with the Lebanese daily As-Safir, but Hezbollah is known to have close ties to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

“They have fighters and expertise. They can produce a missile by logging on to the Internet,” Nasrallah said.

“What they need is financial, political and media support. And we do not deny that we help them on those fronts,” he added.

It was the first time that the Hezbollah leader, a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause, publicly acknowledged funding Palestinian militant groups – an accusation made by Israeli officials.

Nasrallah said his group used to channel weapons to Palestinian militants but stopped in December 2001 after Jordanian authorities arrested three Hezbollah members carrying Katyusha rockets from Syria bound for the West Bank.

“After the Jordan incident and arrest of a number of our brothers, the Palestinians told us, ‘This is costing you politically and is a burden for the fighters. Send us the money and we will take care of it ourselves,'” Nasrallah said, adding that the Palestinian militants got their weapons from “the mafia and Israeli officers.”

Nasrallah has repeatedly called on various Palestinian factions to step up their armed uprising against Israel as the only way to liberate their country from Israeli occupation. But he has denied past Israeli accusations that Iran-backed Hezbollah was directing suicide bombings and other attacks on Israelis, or that it was a key sponsor of Palestinian violence.

So, Hezbullah is in violation of a binding UN resolution that demands it disarm and disband, and it is also admitting that it sends money — and previously sent weapons — to terrorist groups that want to destroy Israel. Iran has publicly admitted that it finances Hezbullah.

And yet, people insist that Iran’s anti-Israel rhetoric is just words.

Those people are morons.

Meantime, Iran has announced that if the U.S. attacks it, Iran will attack — Israel.

Israel will be Iran’s first target in response to any “evil” act by the United States, a senior commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards said Tuesday.

“We have announced that wherever America does something evil, the first place that we target will be Israel,” Revolutionary Guards Rear Admiral Mohammad-Ebrahim Dehqani was quoted as saying by Iran’s student news agency ISNA.

Why? Well, it worked so well for Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War, didn’t it? Israel absorbed every effing SCUD missile that came her way, and did nothing back — at America’s request. And let’s see, what was Israel’s reward for that? Wait, wait, give me a minute, let me think…

Hezbullah reportedly has thousands of katyusha rockets aimed at Israel. Presumably, they also know how to fire them, unlike the palestinian terrorists who have managed to smuggle them into Gaza, but haven’t figured out how to fire them yet. (Thankfully, it’s a complicated operation, unlike launching their “homemade” kassam rockets.)

The Palestinian announced the attempted Grad attack on Friday, but the defense establishment only reported the incident Sunday. The launching of the rocket failed due to technical reasons.

I would not count on their being unable to master the learning curve. Katyusha rockets will fall on Israel, and they will harm Israeli property and lives.

And we can trace the money trail directly back to Iran, the nation responsible for killing more Jews than anyone since Hitler. The only other group that has killed more Jews are the palestinian terror organizations, who are financed by — that’s right — Iran.

And still, the world demonizes Israel and ignores the murderous regimes of nations like Iran. Yeah, sure. Everything makes sense now.

Well, no, it doesn’t, but we already knew that, too.

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