Lasik office things

Thing 1: The most annoying test for Lasik surgery? Putting these papery things in my eyes (yes, really) to test if my eye were dry (yes, really). “Well, they’re drying NOW,” I told the tech, what with her sticking paper in my eyes.

Thing 2: My friends in NJ have four tickets to the Pee-Wee Herman Broadway show, and I’d like them to sell the tickets so they can come to my birthday party that weekend. They’re amenable to that. The tickets are for the Saturday, Nov. 20 matinee. If you’re interested, leave a comment here and I’ll get you in touch with each other.

Thing 3: While I was sitting in the office with those paper things in my eyes, all I could think of was the old Cheech & Chong routine where they’re changing channels on late-night TV and come across an old, horrible movie where one guy is torturing a captive. “Oh, wow, man—they stuck it in his eye!”

Thing 4: The techs at my doctor’s office call stink bugs “Fred bugs.” I didn’t ask why, I was just astonished at the size of the giant stink bug that scared my personal tech out of her office and caused her to warn me not to go in there. WAY bigger than the stink bugs I’ve seen in Richmond.

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2 Responses to Lasik office things

  1. Elisson says:

    Hope it went well… and that things are looking sharp!

  2. It did, and they are, except for the stupid plastic things over my eyes. I get to take them off tomorrow.

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