Saturday things

Thing 1: The fire in Israel is easing up. Thank goodness. It’s not under control yet, but it’s likely to be there soon.

Thing 2: Is it really a flash mob if it’s obviously a well-trained choir meeting at a big place to sing the Hallelujah Chorus? (It’s still pretty neat. Wish they’d come to my mall.

Thing 3: How fast is Tig? Well, he was downstairs in the bedroom directly below mine. The master bathroom is upstairs, off my bedroom, which is in the back of the house. It’s big enough that I can keep the cats’ litter box and food dishes there, well apart, and still have a ton of room for me and my things. Yesterday, Tig was sitting in the window in the downstairs bathroom, which is all the way at the back of my condo. To get upstairs, he has to go across the entire condo. That’s through the bedroom, down the hall, through the dining room and Great Room, up the stairs, across the landing, down the hall, and into the master bathroom. Gracie was upstairs in the bathroom with me, indicating that it was lunchtime by staring at her food dish. So I picked up the container of cat food, started pouring it into the dishes, and before I could get to the second dish, Tigger was in the bathroom. I only pour about a handful into each bowl.

Yeah, he’s that fast. I may have to start calling him Flash.

Thing 4: I would just like to repeat my warning that if I ever, ever, ever hear about male menopause again, I will not be able to restrain myself from sticking something very painful into that man’s eye. You know what’s even more fun that hot flashes in the summer? Hot flashes in the winter, so that when they stop, you’re drenched in sweat in the freezing cold weather. Woo-hoo! Sleeping is so much more fun when your body mimics having a fever every single night.

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4 Responses to Saturday things

  1. Speaking about flash mobs I strongly believe that hardly any of these things may be an innocent gathering: if a group of people meets together and starts doing something, there’s always a possibility of the harm they can inflict to the society; and this fashion has come from the US with their “democracy” and simply shows that people have nothing useful or interesting to do and are bored to death.

  2. pamela1631 says:


    I know what you mean about feeding time. I rattle or crinkle anything in the kitchen and woosh four kitties at attention.

    It was 60 degrees at work for three days running. Half the day I froze and the other half was warm. Yuck.

    I’m praying for soft rains to put out the fires.

  3. Elisson says:

    Re Thing 4: As SWMBO might tell you, menopause has one thing going for it – like a kidney stone, This, Too, Shall Pass. (Alas, like a kidney stone, it’s a real pain while you have it.) And yeah, I think male menopause is a myth, an attempt to grab a little rachmones on the part of Us Boyz.

  4. Stretch says:

    Re Thing 3: You’ve never seen fast until you open your turkey sandwich lunch and are out-flanked by 2 cats. I hate it when I’m out smarted by cats.

    Re Thing 4: Thank Heaven for my Y chromosome.

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