Posting may be light today

I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. The virus/bug/stomach thing that I had two weeks ago came back this weekend, and is holding on. I suspect that the cats and I will be napping most of the day.

The good news is that when the doctor decides to do some bloodwork, he won’t have to hesitate because I’m no longer a self-pay. Big yay for medical benefits. Those of you who have never been without have no idea how much it impacts your healthcare, and not for the better.

Update: Apparently, that stomach flu/virus from two weeks ago knocked my electrolytes out of balance. No drugs. Just dietary restrictions and suggestions to take vitamins and stay well-hydrated. So it seems my naps aren’t doing nearly as much as a glass of Gatorade would have done.

On the other hand, he also did bloodwork and other tests, which he’s been dying to do since I first became his patient. Thanks to the medical coverage, we did. And the copay was far less than I’ve been paying out of pocket. Yay overall.

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8 Responses to Posting may be light today

  1. chsw says:

    If you are no longer a self-pay, that means you are once again employed! Let’s hope that this position leads upward. And I do know what a difference insurance vs. no insurance makes.


  2. Yes I agree with you, the medical benifits are great.
    I hope the doctor is going to make you up and running again.

  3. Elmira Viking says:

    For all it’s shortcomings, healthcare in Canada is generally pretty good.

  4. Rahel says:

    Ouch. I hope you feel better soon. Refuah shlemah!

  5. Ben-David says:

    While I spend most of my time preaching to my weaned-on-socialism Israeli coworkers about free markets – when I talk to visiting American groups, I dwell heavily on the joys of universal health coverage.

    It’s a national disgrace that the richest country in the world doesn’t have a decent program in place. There are several ways to structure it so that there is market competition without letting anyone slip through the cracks.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Leaving aside discussions of different medical systems, I hope you feel better soon. If the Gatorade [or Powerade, which is kosher but comes in far fewer colors] gets boring any broth-based soup will serve the same purpose…

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    “Take two herbs, drink lots of water, and stay in your teepee.” Advice from the Medicine Man of the Poohawk tribe in the Tumbleweeds cartoon strip.

    Powerade: kosher oral rehydration salts? Whoddathunkit?

  8. Robert says:

    You know what is worse than not having health care is being the person responsible for getting your company to GET healthcare. This is a total nightmare. Pray for me, for I need it after about 2 months of negotiations, alterations and contracts that break down in the last minute!

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