File under “Not. Gonna. Happen.”

Israel is trying to repair ties with Turkey. The Jewish state is working with Turkey to soften the results of the UN report on last year’s Gaza flotilla, which criticizes Turkey for allowing the flotilla in the first place:

Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem who saw the draft report said it sharply criticizes Turkey for not doing enough to prevent the flotilla from setting sail and for conducting a tendentious investigation into the events.

Israel is working with Turkey to make the report less accusatory of the Islamist-leaning government’s informal attack on Israel.

Israel and Turkey are holding secret talks in an effort to soften the conclusions of the Palmer Report, issued by a United Nations panel appointed to probe the events of the May 2010 Gaza-bound flotilla.

According to information obtained by Ynet, sources in Washington claimed that Israel’s representative to the UN inquiry committee Yosef Ciechanover, his Turkish counterpart and other officials were crisscrossing between Jerusalem and Ankara in an attempt to use the report’s conclusions to improve relations between the countries.

So what does Turkey do in gratitude for Israel’s help? Flips her the bird.

After delaying the publication of a UN report that probed the events of the Gaza flotilla last May, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Recep Erdogan said on Friday it was “unthinkable” to normalize ties with Israel unless the Jewish state apologized for the killing of nine pro-Palestinian Turkish activists aboard the Gaza-bound Turkish ship.

Yeah, I’m thinking not. Bibi will never apologize to Turkey. What’s he going to say? “We’re sorry we killed the terrorists who were attacking our soldiers”? Or how about, “We’re sorry you’re turning your nation over to the Islamists”? Or maybe “We’re sorry you’re an effing moron who thinks he can ride the tide of Islamism and not see Turkey devoured by it and turned into a shithole like Afghanistan”?

I’m fine with all three.

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