Monday, briefly

Because you guys did such a good job last week: The U.K. police leadership are all up in arms because David Cameron is calling in William Bratton, the man who fixed several American cities’ crime problems, to advise the U.K. on how to handle rioters. Seriously? They think they handled things well? Seriously?

Our allies, the Pakistanis: Yeah, right. They gave China access to our stealth helicopter. Can we stop giving them money now?

By the way, did you know Syria is still firing on civilians? And yet, the world outrage is not even a fraction of the outrage that occurs when Israel goes into Gaza or Lebanon to try to retrieve soldiers and stop rockets from falling on Israeli civilians. Once more, in pictures:

Syria on Google News

Note that even with the current human rights violations, murders of civilians, shellling of a coastal town by navy gunboats, Israel still beats out Syria by one-third. That’s right, there are two-thirds as many Syria news articles as there are Israel, because after all, it’s Israel that’s the biggest problem in the Middle East today. Not bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not Syria. Israel.

Israel on Google news

And why is Israel in the news? Horrors! They’re building apartments in Jerusalem again!

Dear Israel: Yes, I hate you, but I want to come visit you in the name of peace. Yes, really. The Irish captain of one of the Gaza flotilla vessels, who was deported last year and banned from Israel for ten years, wants to come to Israel. For peace. Because promoting the end of the blockade of Gaza—which sole purpose now is to prevent Hamas from gaining weapons—is promoting peace. Eff you, boyo.

This entry was posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism, World. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Monday, briefly

  1. naftalim says:

    Israel should say sure. How about you go to Gaza first, and demonstrate in front of the offices of Hamas against their firing of thousands of rockets at civilians, or anti-tank missiles at buses. If you do this and survive, we can talk.

  2. Russ says:

    The head of the Greater Manchester Police Federation, in addition to complaining about Bratton, stated, “What we’ve witnessed this week has been British policing at its absolute best.”

    Wow. That’s their best?

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