Tuesday sniefs

(Sniefs=Snark Briefs)

So, I’m expecting a condemnation on this any day now: Another missile lands in Israel, another yawn from the world. But hey, the Obama Administration is totally condemning construction in Ariel. It’s an obstacle to peace, you see. A rocket from Gaza? Well, that’s not an obstacle to peace at all, judging by the lack of world condemnation. Ariel won’t be ceded to the Palestinians, and everyone knows this. So what’s the big deal? The Palestinians aren’t being condemned for refusing to talk to Israel. They’re not being condemned for trying to unilaterally declare a state. They’re not being condemned for insisting on moving forward with their plan to have the UN declare them a state. Israel? Of course Israel is condemned. It’s full of Jews, isn’t it? Need you look further for a reason?

Yeah, sure, right. Uh-huh. Time to get all excited over yet another “HAMAS IS NEAR A DEAL ABOUT GILAD SHALIT!” storyline. Wake me when it’s over.

You know they did it for Jordan: Not Israel. The Egyptian armed forces finally stopped terrorists from blowing up the Sinai gas line. See title (the pipeline supplies both nations).

Put a real bomb around him for an hour: The FBI got the scumbag who broke into the home of a wealthy Australian family, locked a fake bomb around the neck of their teenaged daughter, and demanded a ransom. Apparently, they got him via his email account. Really? Gmail? What moron thinks that any normal email account is private enough to commit crimes with? (Never mind, the question answers itself.)

Palestinians under fire; Arab world unconcerned: Once again, proof that only Israel gets the worldwide outrage when Palestinians are at risk. The “camp” (it’s actually a town) that Syrian armed forces have been shelling for days is filled with Palestinians, and yet, for some reason, Mahmoud Abbas isn’t standing in front of the world media condemning Bashar al-Assad. Wait! What’s this? Oh, look. One of his spokesliars is actually slamming Syria. Go figure.

This entry was posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, Terrorism. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Tuesday sniefs

  1. Jay Tea says:

    Here’s a theory: rockets blow up, then get cleaned up. All gone. Out of sight, out of mind. Same with anyone killed — they get buried. Out of sight, out of mind.

    But a building… that’s gonna stick around for a while.


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