Carnival of the Jews

This week’s Haveil Havalim is up at Israel Perspectives.

And while you’re at it, over at Bloghead, this is a pretty funny post about a strange search. Via Lynn.

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2 Responses to Carnival of the Jews

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    The link that you have is incorrect. The following link works

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    I just followed through and found that the posting has been withdrawn because

    Tuesday, September 06, 2005
    Competition update ….

    Reviewing the entries so far, I came to the conclusion that we were hurtling towards the unprintable — which I should have foreseen. So, sorry, folks, I made a mistake! Thanks to the inventive readers who submitted entries. And, M***y, yes, it was a little too inventive for the family blog!!

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