Post-Obamacare briefs

That new civility: “it’s Constitutional. Bitches” is the tweet sent by the executive director of the DNC. Not a staffer. Not a young intern. The man in charge of the Democratic National Committee. To quote Todd Manning from General Hospital: I know the French word for shower, and he is one. Oh, and the war on women? Look in the mirror, Dems.

Losing the battle: More than a few Constitutional scholars think that Chief Justice Roberts wrote the ACA opinion in a way that turns the Commerce Clause back to its pre-FDR mangling. Jonathan Adler and Ilya Somin are two. Here’s an opposing view.

Why isn’t it “UN, save us”? Five hundred Eritrean refugees protested in Tel Aviv using the slogan “US, Save us.” We all know why the Eritreans aren’t asking the UN or the EU for help. They know that since they’re not Palestinians, the UN doesn’t give a crap. UNRWA is the gold standard of refugees. They should go to the West Bank or Gaza and see how they’re treated there. Shyeah. Right.

Phew! They stopped a deadly settler attack: The IDF finished evacuating an illegal settlement–fairly peacefully. The AP, of course, still manages to spin this act anti-Israel and anti-Netanyahu.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s largely right-wing coalition, which leans heavily on the settler movement for support, has repeatedly sought to stall implementation of the High Court’s judgment.

And while the affected residents are moving before the July 1 deadline, the government has asked the High Court to grant a four-month delay on moving the buildings affected by the ruling. The court has yet to respond.

Biased media? Oh, come on. You’re joking.

Don’t really care who killed him, it’s great that he’s dead: Another terrorist is executed, and Hamas is squabbling over whodunit–Israel or Syria. Like I care. Although I do agree with the ones who say the death was too cruel for the Mossad.

The Palestinian Church of the Nativity: Yes, that’s what the PA thinks it is. they’re still pushing for designation as a World Heritage Site, even though it’s a Christian heritage site, and the PA has been slowly but surely persecuting all of the Christians in the West Bank. They failed once. Here’s hoping they fail again.

This entry was posted in American Scene, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Politics, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Post-Obamacare briefs

  1. Empress Trudy says:

    When they turn the Church of the Nativity they will turn it into a mosque so they can of course launch rockets from it daring Israel to respond to a UNESCO heritage site.

  2. Pamela says:

    Why any one would want to be called Palestinian is beyond me.
    It was the Roman derivation of Philistines used to replace/wipe out the identity of Judea.
    The current group of inhabitants are rejects from the Arab world and their ancestors were never part of the Roman occupation of Judea/Israel.
    Being called Palestinian is tantamount to being called anything derogatory.

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