A breath of fresh air about the Saudis

Former CIA Director James Woolsey on the false concept that peace between Israel and the palestinians will change the Arab and Muslim world:

I think the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has some importance but that in reality it is much further down the line of causes of the current support for terrorism and so forth that one sees in some parts of the Muslim, principally the Arab world, than people suggest. I think you could have an Israeli-Palestinian settlement tomorrow, and the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia would still be fanatically anti-Shi’ite, anti-Sufi, anti-Jewish, anti-democracy, anti-Christian, anti-female, anti-music and so would Al-Qaeda be. Indeed the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia and the Islamists Jihadis such as Al-Qaeda pretty much agree except on one thing — who should be in charge.

Yes, that’s what we’ve been saying for years.

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2 Responses to A breath of fresh air about the Saudis

  1. Joel says:

    It is not now nor has it ever been an Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That is a myth propagated to make Israel appear to be the villian. It is now and has always bee an Arab World – Israel conflict.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Except thatthey will never make peace with Israel (or anyone else) until they change their character. The “blessing” of Yishmael is just as true today as it was when Yishmael was alive.

    “Vehu Yiyeh Pereh Adam, yado vakol, veyad kol bo”.

    He will be a wild-ass of a man; his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him”

    His mother, Hagar, was not appeased until she got this “blessing” for him. This shows that she was like the mothers nowadayts who encourage their children to become suicide bombers.

    There will only be peace when they regard this “blessing” as a curse.

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