Down with Byzantine Empire?

The unfortunate statement made by Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus angers the Muslims all over the world.

Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.


The provocative statement caused a widespread outrage.

Byzantine embassies in Damascus, Jakarta, Tripoli were set on fire, in other areas were set on fire Byzantine-looking foreigners that had been caught in the streets.

Effigies of the emperor Manuel II were burned (28 cases), stomped (43 cases) and served as spittoons (175 cases). Starbucks franchise was reported burning in Riad, but it may be just the smell of burned beans, and all the bets are off regarding this case.

Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Constantinople was urgently called home “for consultations”. His request for half an hour delay to allow him to finish the delicious seafood dinner with homegrown couscous was refused.

President Ahmadinejad was reported to blame the Zionists for the outrageous statement. “First they set up shop in the middle of Muslim land. Then they provoke us by these blasphemous cartoons, and now this. Is there a limit to Zionist chutzpa? Millions shahids will march on Constantinople.

Professors Petras, Mearsheimer and Walt published an article that conclusively proves that the latest outrage was caused by a Mossad mole close to the emperor Manuel’s chambermaid. The degree of closeness will be a subject for the follow-on article. There was no response neither from Jerusalem or from AIPAC whose sinister role in this Mossad operation is covered in the article.

There are unconfirmed reports that the Turkish army is brought to the state of highest alert and even rumors of fires over Constantinople, however the only black and white picture comes from Reuters:

There are some doubts about the authenticity of the trees in the background.

The rumors about some Germanic tribes offering support to the emperor’s position are also unconfirmed and may be blamed on translation issues. However, the papal Swiss guard was beefed up by some elite units from Zurich, trained in fierce facial expression.

More to follow…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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10 Responses to Down with Byzantine Empire?

  1. Robert says:

    Does anyone find it ironic that a POPE is quoting an ex-communicated Eastern Orthodox Emperor?

  2. No, seriously? The guy was excommunicated?

    That’s too funny.

  3. Gary Rosen says:

    The Pope criticizes Islam, setting off anti-Catholic riots. No problem! We’ll just blame it all on the Joooooos!

    Oops, I mean Zionists and neo-cons. After all, we’re not antisemitic.

  4. Omri Ceren says:

    They’re burning effigies of Manuel II? Where do you even GET effigies of Manuel II?

    Seriously – how will this become the Jews’ fault? That’s where the heavy money is right now.

  5. They’ll just say the Pope is a Zionist, and that will do it.

    The One Degree of Anti-Semitism rule. Works every time.

  6. Chris L. says:


    You are proven correct.

    Shiite cleric Sheik Abdul-Kareem al-Ghazi, in Iraq’s second-largest city, Basra, said the pope’s comments ran counter to the Christian faith.

    The pope and Vatican proved to be Zionists…

  7. Robert says:

    Sounds like Manuel II was a pretty bright guy!

  8. “Where do you even GET effigies of Manuel II?”

    Every effigy necessary at the moment appears magically and on time. If one looks carefully, one can find a tiny label “Made in China” on all of them. There are some seers there, and they put their seers to work!

  9. Robert says:

    Yes, Manuel II Emperor of Byzantium could not reconcile to the demands of the Catholic Church, earlier emperors tried to force the compromise and were nearly kicked off the Throne. Manuel tried more peaceful ventures while visiting Europe, almost begging for money and troops for a Crusade against the Turks, however, Timerlane almost destroyed the Ottoman Empire around 1412. Took the Ottoman Sultan prisoner….and the subsequent vaccum allowed Manuel to come back to Constantople and earn the Eastern Roman Empire one last diplomatic victory before its ultimate demise in May 29, 1453. – The Eastern Roman Empire is a passion of mine. :) Yes, I do find it very ironic that Pope Benedict cited an Eastern Roman Emperor as apart of his speech because the Eastern Roman Emperor, especially in this period (after the 4th Crusade) were very Eastern Orthodox. The Citizens of the Eastern Roman Empire had a saying, better to live under a Sultan’s Turban than under the Cardinal’s hat. They meant it.

  10. Chris: I am unsurprised, and not even disappointed.

    Jew-hatred is utterly predictable.

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