An army of terrorists

Say, remember back when Arafat was first given control of Gaza and the West Bank, and we sent the CIA in to train his people in the use of the weapons we gave them? And do you remember what they did with that knowledge and those weapons?

The killed Jews.

Now, the Bush administration proposes giving Mahmoud Abbas funding and weapons—and I presume, training—to beef up the “Presidential Guard.” So, what do you think they’re going to do with the weapons and training?

That’s right. Kill more Jews. And check out this puff-piece from the AP:

On a recent morning, Abu Fahem paced at the border crossing, barking orders at his men to prevent a group of impatient passengers from pushing their way into the gated compound.

European monitors praised their Palestinian colleagues as professional and disciplined. “They accept (orders) and carry them out,” said Lars Bertil Johansson, a European police team leader at the terminal.

Wow. Imagine that. They take orders. High praise!

Under a $20 million U.S. proposal, guardsmen would be the only Palestinian security force deployed at the main cargo crossing between Israel and Gaza, under international supervision. Currently, other security branches are also present at the Karni cargo crossing.

[…] Israel has shut down Karni for extended periods, saying Palestinian security there remains lax despite repeated attacks on the crossing by Palestinian militants. Getting Karni reopened is a U.S. priority, to ease the economic distress in Gaza.

How is it that nobody ever seems to mention that there are crossings into Egypt? Why don’t their Muslim brothers let the palestinians work there?

Oh, right, I forgot. The Arab and Muslim world despises the palestinians, except as victims they can bash Israel with.

It’s good to know that the Bush Administration is just as stupid as the ones that went before. Because, it’s not like we’re in a war or anything. With terrorists. Like the ones that surround Abbas.

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One Response to An army of terrorists

  1. Denny says:

    The whole Palestian government has been, and it seems, always will be, full of a bunch of anti-semite, terrorist sympathizing, crooked jerks and thugs who just want to get on with killing Jews. They lie, kill, plunder and decieve their way through life, all the while fooling the world into thinking that they really only want peace with Israel. When, oh when, will we learn that they STILL teach the young to become suicide-bombers, and they STILL hate the reality of Israel’s existence!

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