Lahoud joins the nut squad

The Syrian sock-puppet with a girl’s first name is showing his true colors, and they are, well, crazy as a bedbug.

In an interview to Kuwaiti daily Al-Anbaa Lahoud said: “There is no doubt that the primary targets of the latest Israeli war in Lebanon was also to destroy the awakening and prosperity of our country. The Israelis themselves said that they want to take Lebanon 20 years back. Lebanon is Israel’s chief rival in the field of finance, culture and tourism. And that is why we can see that whenever Lebanon bounces back and begins to make progress, Israel attacks it.”

What is in the water in the Middle East that these tinpot tyrants all play the same conspiracy card? Wow, they are so incredibly screwed up, no wonder every nation but Israel is a craphole.

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3 Responses to Lahoud joins the nut squad

  1. Paul says:

    Tinpot tyrants aptly describes these people !

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    20 years ago, Israel was in South Lebanon, had a working relationship with the South Lebanese Army, and seemed on track to helping Lebanon get better. While Hizballah existed, it could have been stopped had the Lebanese really tried and asked Israel for help (I know, but I am a Science Fiction, Fantasy and Alternate History fan). Of course it was more likely that Gandalf would leave Middle Earth or Harry Potter (who was “born” in 1990) would use his vacation to help out.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    We should rename the Middle East Cloud Cuckoo Land.

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