The priorities of the United Nations

So let’s see if we can track the UN’s thinking for now.

U.N. Disagrees on Sanctions Against Iran
VIENNA, Austria Oct 11, 2006 (AP)— The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council agreed Wednesday to start working on U.N. sanctions against Iran next week, but failed to bridge differences on how harsh the penalties should be, diplomats and officials said.

They told The Associated Press that while the U.S. called for broad sanctions to punish Iran’s defiance in pursuing its nuclear program, Russian and Chinese representatives at a top-level Vienna meeting favored less severe measures.

The UN can’t agree to do something about Iran, in spite of the fact that Iran is in violation of UN resolutions.

The UN can’t agree about Korea, either.

U.N. Chief Urges U.S.: Talk to N. Korea
UNITED NATIONS Oct 11, 2006 (AP)— Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged the United States on Wednesday to hold bilateral talks with North Korea and called on the communist nation not to escalate an “extremely difficult” situation.

The UN wants American to talk to the country that just (possibly) joined the nuclear club, violating treaties with great abandon (in spite of what Jimmy the Dhimmi lies about his efforts there under the Clinton Administration).

Isn’t there anything the UN can agree on?

U.N. Notes Increase in Israeli Roadblocks
JERUSALEM Oct 11, 2006 (AP)— Israel’s network of military checkpoints and road barriers in the West Bank has grown by 40 percent in the past year, part of an increasingly sophisticated system of controls that disrupts all aspects of Palestinian life, a U.N. agency said Wednesday.

These physical obstacles are carving up the West Bank into separate parts, with travel between them becoming more and more difficult, said David Shearer, head of the U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Jerusalem.

U.N. officials in Geneva, meanwhile, expressed concern about the ongoing closure of the Gaza Strip, including the crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

“It cannot continue like it is now without a social explosion that will hurt everybody, including Israeli security,” said Jan Egeland, the U.N. humanitarian chief.

Ah, there we go. The UN can still agree that no matter what Israel does is wrong. And get a load of this statement, three paragraphs down from the above quote by Egeland:

In Brussels, Belgium, the EU said Wednesday it had given $816 million in aid to the Palestinians this year, bypassing the Hamas government.

But—but—this whole story is about how the palestinians are oppressed and starving and running out of food and water because of the oppressive closures and roadblocks the Israelis are placing on the poor, poor, pitiful pals. I don’t understand—you mean to say they’ve been giving eight-tenths of a billion dollars and there’s a full quarter left to the fiscal year, and they’re still in dire need of economic assistance?


Yet another lie the world perpetuates at Israel’s expense.

I wonder how many tons of weapons the EU dollars bought?

Yet another reason why Omri is right that there won’t be a palestinian civil war. They’re not in dire straits at all. It’s all an act.

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