Film question

Okay, folks. Now that I know the music in this LOTR video is from the film Requiem for a Dream, and now that I’ve listened to it about fifty times since yesterday, and now that I’ve read a bunch of reviews of the film, heard from two people at work who’ve seen it, and found out that yes, my Blockbuster carries a copy, here’s my question to those of you who have also seen the film:

Should I watch it?

One reviewer described the last 30 minutes as the most horrific moments in film. Everyone calls it “disturbing.”

I’m thinking I should just get the soundtrack and not see the movie, as I don’t do well with “disturbing.” I have a tendency to lose myself in the film, which is why I can’t stand scary or gory movies. They seem more real to me.

Thoughts, those of you who have seen the movie?

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3 Responses to Film question

  1. kev says:

    I’m glad I saw it once. Don’t think I could stand to see it again. I remember reading a review that called the movie ‘a long, slow descent into Hell,’ and they pretty much nailed it. Seriously, if movies where everyone ends up in a bad way bother you, do not watch it.

  2. I don’t see how a movie about drug addicts could have anything but a crappy ending.

    I had the misfortune to have a relative who ran with junkies back in the day. I met them, and hated them within hours.

    Those few days remain among the worst memories of my life.

    And now that I remember it, my grandmother’s Passover silver, which would have come down to me, was stolen by her neighbor’s junkie boyfriend, who knew my mother was out at the time. Could never prove it, of course, nor could we find it any pawnshops.

    Hm. I may not have any trouble with a movie that has no one to empathize with because they’re all drug addicts.

  3. cond0010 says:

    In my business affairs, I have negotiated with several addicts (drugs, gambling and alcohol). Everytime I have dealt with them (except for one – he still has a contract so far), they have extracted a pound of flesh from me in one way or another.

    One of them I have known for six years before it occurred.

    Sure, they were friendly enough and we had good social relations, but in the final tug of war between the addiction and…. just about anything else, they choose their addiction.

    Their addiction is their god and they will sacrifice anything for that fix.

    Helping those people is not for pikers.

    Still, I do pity those who fall in that hole – otherwise I wouldn’t contiunue jumping into that hole to help them. Hmmm… maybe I have an addiction… Heh. :)

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