One reason I am thankful

It has been a long, long time since I’ve seen Gracie happily curled up in her tissue paper nest on the sofa.

She did just that last night, sleeping contentedly for hours. For this, and for many other things, I am extremely grateful.

Gracie, happily curled up in her tissue paper nest

The orange paper is something she showed great interest in at first. It’s from For The Love Of Chocolate, and doubtless has that nice chocolatey smell to it.

You have no idea how happy I am to see her curled up like that. Two surgeries in less than a month, both in her stomach/intestinal areas, and staples in her belly for weeks—it’s so good to know she’s feeling comfortable enough to curl up again.

Last night was the second night in a row she curled her hind leg around my arm as she came to bed for her nightly (used-to-be) bellyrub. It’s just a nightly petting time now. I suspect it won’t be long before we finally get back to our evening and morning bellyrub sessions.

In the meantime, I give you pumpkin-colored Gracie in autumn-colored tissue paper. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I’m going to be ignoring the news today, I think, and then going to Chesterfield County to celebrate Thanksgiving with my friends and their children. I will be bearing gifts: Chocolate for the grownups, and candy necklaces and candy sticks for the kids.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

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9 Responses to One reason I am thankful

  1. Rahel says:

    What a beautiful cat Gracie is: gold dipped in amber on a background of freshly-fallen snow. She looks so content. I’m so glad she’s getting better! Please pet and skritch her for me.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. seawitch says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Sandee says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to Meryl, Gracie, and Tig!

  4. Janet says:

    Happy thanksgiving Meryl and your purty kitties.
    From your virtual friend wishing you hugs and all good things.
    Janet in Minnesota

  5. Alfred M. Kriman says:

    “The orange paper is something she showed great interest in at first. It’s from For The Love Of Chocolate, and doubtless has that nice chocolatey smell to it.”

    Just a thought on Gracie’s taste, if that’s what this comment represents: chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs in amounts (scaled by body mass) that only make humans fat. For a cat with health problems, it may be good to take special care she isn’t getting into any unauthorized sweets.

  6. Alfred, Gracie doesn’t eat chocolate. Ever. However, she has an immense fondness for wrappers from products like Junior Mints and After Eight dinner mints. Spearmint is from the same family as catnip and affects cats in the same way.

    I had a cat that ate chocolate. If I left chocolate-covered wafers out, he’d eat the chocolate off the coating. Not a whole lot, but enough to leave tooth marks.

    I know chocolate is toxic, but I think the chocolate scare is overblown. Let’s face it, cats would much rather eat fish.

  7. Barefoot Jewess says:


  8. how wonderful to see miss gracie so much better, and doing what she loves to do!! and now, we’re going to ask you to do something for another little kitty who is seriously ill tonight, hospitalized and suffering. kc, ( needs your prayers and purrs. she is just a very young kitty, and her spaying went horribly wrong. please, PLEASE pray with us for her. if you can, join us at 8:30 EST for a prayer vigil at if not, efurry whisper of a prayer you can manage from this instant on will be gratefully accepted. thank you.

    nelson, edmund, nitro, & xinglu

  9. Sissy Willis says:

    A beautiful sight, indeed. I am so happy for you and your precious furball. :-)

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