Scrubs slams scientology

This week’s episode of Scrubs, besides being utterly hilarious, slammed scientology in the bargain. The serious plot is Carla’s post-partum depression. They have another character talk to her, and this was the line that had me laughing so hard I scared the cats:

“Listen: You can’t get rid of this by sheer force of will, or positive thinking, or taking advice from a big Hollywood movie star and the dead science fiction writer he worships. You need to get some help.”

All hail comedy writers, Masters of Juvenile Scorn themselves.

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2 Responses to Scrubs slams scientology

  1. Paul says:

    L.Ron Hubbard is going off like a Cruise missile ! :)

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    There was a Science Fiction rewrite “Inferno” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle (thank Google for finding the correct authors) that had L Ron Hubbard as one of the people being punished for misuse of religion. It follows a science fiction author as he retraces Dante’s journey but with modern people in the various locations.

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