If it’s Friday, it must be ISM Riot Time

palestinian stone throwersThe weekly riots in a closed military zone in Bi’ilin have resulted in the weekly injury, only this time, it wasn’t soldiers.

A photographer was lightly wounded by a stun grenade on Friday afternoon, during what has become a routine weekly protest against the construction of the security barrier in the West Bank town of Bili’in, west of Ramallah.

Once again, dozens of Palestinians accompanied by Israeli and foreign left-wing activists violated the closed military zone order, throwing stones at the IDF soldiers, prompting the troops to forcefully disperse the demonstrators.

I don’t post about this every week, but you can find an article a week about these so-called protests, which often result in IDF soldiers being injured by thrown stones. And let us remember that the “stones” thrown by palestinians are not pebbles.

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