Kitties requested

Gracie in her colorful nestReaders have been requesting more cat pictures. Here at, as you all know, we aim to please. Okay, well, actually, we aim to please if we feel pleased about the pleasing that is please being pleased, but, uh, crap. I’m lost. Never mind. To the catblogging!

Gracie’s picture is from a few weeks ago, when her nest was particularly colorful. It has since had some of the brighter colors removed and other colors added, but her favorite is a just-added silver paper that’s extra-crinkly that came with one of my holiday presents. She likes it a lot. So much so that she spends quite a lot of time settling down in it. After she eats a meal, she makes the paper rustle loudly for a few minutes by walking around, pawing at it, circling a few times, and finally lying down. Gracie sure loves her tissue paper. I need to buy more. Time to go to the dollar store and see what they’ve got. Ooh! Shopping tomorrow!

Tig in a boxPicture number two is Tig. I had $60 in Circuit City gift cards that I finally spent last week online. I ordered three CDs and a pack of blank cassette tapes (I have a cassette player in my Jeep, probably one of the main reasons my car radio has never been bothered—I don’t think thieves even know what a cassette player is). The cassettes (sigh) came first, in a box that’s just about the perfect Tig size. So I put it down and waited for it to be filled with cat. It did not take long. Unlike Gracie, Tig has no particular box routine, unless you count “Leap in box and lie down” as a routine (which I do not).

And now we have reached the end of our story, and you probably weren’t even able to tell that I added filler to this post so the pictures would have enough text around them to look good. It’s an old, old writing trick, and I’m not even getting paid by the word for it. I learned all about it in my days in the magazine industry. Who knew that my typesetting experience would turn out to be useful in blogging?

And that ends today’s cat post.

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7 Responses to Kitties requested

  1. cond0010 says:

    but… these are smaaaaller pictures, Meryl. Not that I am complaining…

  2. Yes, for several reasons. One, bandwidth, and two, large pictures will break the template, causing you all to complain to me that the template is broken.

  3. cond0010 says:

    Hmmmm… sounds like a no win situation: either way there are complaints.

  4. chsw says:

    Tig-in-a-box! Available by web or mail-order, $29.99 plus S&H. If you order in the next five minutes QVCNOT will double your order free! Yes, that’s two Tigs for the same low price of $29.99! Order yours now.

  5. Rahel says:

    Ahhhh! Tig and Gracie … balm to the eyes.

  6. Is it just me, or is Tig smiling in that photo.

  7. Tig is usually a very happy kitty. Especially when he’s taking a nap in Mommy’s lap. Like this afternoon.

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