Oh, now you’ll disarm the terrorists

Mahmoud Abbas refused all Israeli and U.S. requests to disarm terror groups, insisting that he could “co-opt” them by inviting them politely to join his security service.

Apparently, when one of his chief ministers and buds from the good ol’ days of Arafattin’ around (corruption, corruption, terroris, and corruption being the main sports) gets murdered by terrorists, it’s time to disarm them.

Will Hamas be disarmed? Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas ordered Palestinian Authority security officials Wednesday to prepare a plan for disarming terror groups in the Gaza Strip.

The move follows an explosion in a residential building in Gaza two days ago that left four people dead and another thirty wounded.

The move also follows the murder of Moussa Arafat. Here’s an interesting fact from Ynet’s article on the murder:

However, security officials say Hamas was behind Arafat’s assassination, even though the murder was carried out by the Popular Resistance Committees. According to the sources, the Hamas directed the assassins in a murder apparently motivated by the upcoming Palestinian elections.

According to the sources, the Hamas has recently used the Committees as an operational arm on several occasions.

Not that terrorists need much of an excuse to kill, but this does add some interesting byplay to the mix.

I do believe the civil war is in its first stages. I hope they take each other out, but better them than us.

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2 Responses to Oh, now you’ll disarm the terrorists

  1. Hugh Schatz says:

    My fervent hope is that all of these SOBs will flock to Gaza, and engage in a nasty civil war. Once it’s over, maybe Mossad or the IDF could send some of the winners to richly-deserved graves.

  2. Not really. You can copy and paste it into the thread yourself, and I can delete the comment here.

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