Sick and sicker

How sick is this? Hamas terrorists in Israeli prisons don’t think Hamas is tough enough. So they’ve joined Al Qaeda.

About a month ago, prison guards were able to recover written messages that prisoners attempted to smuggle to each other. An examination
revealed the notes contained al-Qaeda propaganda, detailed the terror network’s ideology, and provided instructional information.

Prison officials suspected an al-Qaeda attempt to draw prisoners to their side and initiated a full-scale investigation, which revealed that nine prisoners with “blood on their hands” were involved in the affair. Two of the detainees were trained by al-Qaeda in the past after staying in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

[…] “In their (the nine prisoners) opinion, Hamas is not doing enough, not carrying out enough terror attacks, and allowing the Jihad organization to lead the struggle against Israel,” a prison official said. “Their move was meant to create a situation in prison where they serve as al-Qaeda’s arm in jail.”

Faster, please.

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One Response to Sick and sicker

  1. Converting, eh?

    Put ’em through an Eichman-style trial, find them guilty, and for their next meal put a gun in their mouths and pull the trigger.

    Let Al-Qaida know that membership is as deadly as AIDS, only faster. True zero tolerance.

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