Racist, apartheid Israelis save Palestinian baby

Did you know that those racist, apartheid Israelis—the one who are accused of randomly murdering Palestinians for the sheer joy of it—sent a Magen David Adom ambulance to Ramallah to save a baby who had been poisoned?

A bullet-proof Israeli ambulance entered the West Bank city of Ramallah on Thursday in order to save a six-month old baby in critical condition after reportedly inhaling toxic substances.

This was the first time a Magen David Adom ambulance entered the Palestinian territories since the second intifada broke out in the year 2000.

Up until now, MDA ambulances would only go as far as the IDF checkpoints, where they would pick up Palestinian patients in need of medical care in Israel.

Immediately after receiving the Palestinians’ call for help, the Civil Administration’s West Bank division called MDA requesting paramedics from Jerusalem take on the mission. Two Arab-Israeli paramedics took the call.

The paramedics evacuated the unconscious baby, just a few hours after two other babies, who went to the same daycare center as the boy, died of similar symptoms.

MDA believes the babies were poisoned, but it is not clear with what or how.

And here are the parts of the story that should be bringing the bile down on the Palestinians, not on the Israelis:

Upon arriving in Ramallah, the ambulance was escorted by a convoy of Palestinian police, who accompanied it all the way to the hospital, and blocked roads to ensure it got through safely.

I would also like to point out that the ambulance was a special bullet-proof ambulance. Palestinian terrorists have set traps for aid workers before. That’s why this is the first MDA ambulance to enter Ramallah since the Terror War began. The MDA now makes special armored ambulances to cope with such things.

Of course, stories like this are never noted by the mainstream media. Nope. Nothing positive about Israel may be allowed.

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