Some new Jews in town

Simply Jews has joined the Blogosphere. I really, really like this post that defines anti-Zionists. I couldn’t have written it better myself.

Oh, okay, maybe I could have, but it’s too late, they already wrote it.

And there’s a cat picture, too. Jews and cats, two of my favorite things in the whole world.

The usual standards apply: Of course I don’t agree with everything they write, but then, there ain’t no one alive that I agree with all the time. Not even myself.

If you are a Jewish blogger, or want to promote any Jewish blogs, post the URLs or trackback this post. I really wish I could link everyone, but I’m too damned lazy.

And I apologize to whomever it was, but another Jewish blogger emailed me recently. I checked out his/her blog, and forgot about it. Resend email, and I’ll look again.
I don’t have a blogrolling policy at the moment. I may simply link all Jewish and Israeli bloggers for existential reasons. I’ll have to think about it.

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2 Responses to Some new Jews in town

  1. Starhawk says:

    What do I need to get on your list of Jewish bloggers?

  2. Jill says:

    Meryl – I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, tipped off to it by Lynn of In Context, which I enjoy immensely. I confess to being a neandrathal when it comes to figuring out how to use things like Trackback (I’ve tried, I’ve tried) so I’ll just post my blog’s URL here:

    I’ve also found a link to your site on a few NE Ohio blogs and that always makes me wonder, how’d any of us get on anyone else’s list?

    Good luck with the work situation and thanks for letting other Jewish bloggers or bloggers who are Jewish comment.

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