Heroes: Peter’s dreams

Wikipedia has the synopsis of the dreams I’ve been mentioning in the Heroes threads.

Nathan arranges for Peter’s release, but when they leave the police station, Peter begins coughing and collapses, unconscious. As he hits the ground, his surroundings change. Peter has what appears to be a vision of New York City, which is empty and on the street there are many cars – most with their doors open. Peter looks around and the other major characters start appearing out of various places. Mohinder climbs out of a cab and runs from Peter. Matt stops Peter and leads D.L., Niki, and Micah away from him. Hiro and Ando watch sadly from a distance. Simone begins to run to Peter but is held back by Isaac. Claire approaches Peter and tearfully mouths “I’m sorry” before running in the opposite direction. Nathan finally steps out of a building and walks toward Peter with a forlorn expression on his face. Peter looks at his hands which have begun to glow bright orange. After Nathan approaches close enough to be seen in the same shot, Peter screams as his whole body turns orange and explodes, similar to the flaming man Isaac had painted. At this point Peter wakes up, whispering “It’s all my fault”, then faints again as the episode ends.

Reading that, I realized that things have already changed. Simone and Isaac are dead. So if these dreams are prophetic—and we’re not sure they are—things are already different than they were.

I was also talking to someone and pointing out that it’s only a different level from absorbing someone’s powers while not affecting them, to completely draining their power. Peter has the potential to do that. Perhaps that’s how Sylar makes it to season two.

This is what happens when the TV season ends and I don’t have anything to do between 8 and 9 on Wednesdays. Damn. I really liked Jericho.

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5 Responses to Heroes: Peter’s dreams

  1. Jeff says:

    One thing, we already knew that Isaac was dead from Hiro’s first trip to the future. He was being held for questioning in Isaac’s death when they found him in Isaac’s apartment on the day of the explosion.

  2. Jeff (a different one) says:

    I think the dreams are prophetic, but metaphorical. Each cluster is grouped in some way.
    Isaac and Simone are dead, so she can’t go to him to help.
    Matt, Niki, D.L. and Micah are in same building. No sign of Bennett, though.
    Hiro and Ando are on their quest.
    Claire was supposed to leave New York, but didn’t. She is also supposed to shoot Peter if needed, but hasn’t yet.
    And Nathan is resigning himself to the destruction of New York.

  3. Jon says:

    There’s probably a different power involved for the prophetic dreams and the future painting. The former might have come from Simone’s dad or maybe Mama or Papa Petrelli.

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    Remember the dream that Peter had when Simone’s father died. Apparently that was his way of saying goodbye.

  5. Tatterdemalian says:

    I think it foreshadows the possibility that Peter will lose control of his powers if he thinks about too many people at once. I think, once Sylar acquires the power of illusion from Candice, he’ll use it to mess with Peter’s mind, and turn Peter into the bomb that way, instead of destroying New York himself.

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