Back from northern VA

It was an extremely productive day. I have the loaner computer (which I’m not writing this on, as I chickened out on sending out my computer today). I had two good meetings, both informative and worthwhile. I picked up some kosher meat from Trader Joe’s in Old Town. And then I got hit on while gassing up at my favorite rest stop.

Just when I was starting to think I was getting too old to be noticed, a guy probably at least ten years younger hit on me. Not that I’d ever date a guy I met at a gas station, but still—it was nice to be noticed.

I’m guessing, though, that he never quite got an answer like mine to “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“I’m going to synagogue,” I said.



Posting will resume as soon as I’ve had dinner.

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8 Responses to Back from northern VA

  1. CGHill says:

    I figure you’re at least thirty years away from being too old to be noticed.

  2. Dick Stanley says:

    Great line.

  3. Um. It’s not a line. It’s what I’m doing.

  4. Bob says:

    Just because it’s true doesn’t make any less a great line. The guy was probably thinking, “Damn, if only I were Jewish” (but “Oh” was all that came out).

  5. The Doctor says:

    It’s a good thing he didn’t know it’s a mitzvah on Shabbat…

  6. meryl says:

    Trader Joe’s in Old Town!!?? I can’t believe Old Town got one after I moved away. Been wanting to check out a Trader Joe’s for years! Please tell me it’s not that big of a deal :)

  7. TX Meryl, it’s not that big a deal. It’s a small one.

    However, it’s ten minutes away from where I work in Northern VA, and it carries fresh kosher meat, so it’s great for me. Plus, I picked up 9 oz. of snow peas for less than $2. It costs $2.99 for 6 oz. in Kroger’s.

    Wegman’s is the much better store, but it’s a lot farther away.

  8. soccer dad says:

    Ten years younger than you? And he was old enough to drive?

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