Trying the same failed policies. Yeah, that’ll work.

Let’s see. First, they threw money at the Palestinians. That didn’t work. Then, they gave them weapons and training to stop terrorism. That didn’t work. Then, they let terrorists out of jail. That didn’t work. They held summits. Those didn’t work.

They gave the Palestinians control of the West Bank and Gaza. That didn’t work. They gave up land. That didn’t work.

So what is the grand new plan to stop Palestinian terror and get the Palestinians working towards joining civilized society?

Giving them more money, more weapons, letting terrorists out of prison, and giving them control of the West Bank and Gaza. Oh, and hold summits.

Because this all worked so well before.

The world is run by effing morons. Morons. Unbelievable morons. Especially this one:

“Some say it (the violence in the Strip) only proves we have no partner for peace. I choose to see the chances, not just the difficulties. I think things in Gaza are turning around for the better.

“Many Palestinians outside Gaza are looking forward to a new environment, both for them and for those of us willing to make the effort to restart the political process,” said Olmert.

Turns out the only man with a plan that seems halfway workable is the man who can’t seem to get back into Israeli politics. I really don’t understand why Israelis haven’t forced new elections yet. Olmert is amazingly adept at political survival. Which is a shame, because I think Bibi has some good ideas:

A Palestinian division of the Jordanian military should be deployed in the West Bank in order to bring law and order to the area , opposition leader MK Benjamin Netanyahu suggested Thursday.

During a visit to Washington, Netanyahu told Israeli reporters that Palestinians will not be able to impose order alone and require international assistance to do so. “We can’t build up Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with Palestinian forces alone. We need Egyptian and Jordanian involvement,” he said.

“Egypt must block arms smuggling in the Philadelphi corridor, which is has not done to date. Jordan can and must support the effort with a measured security contribution in the West Bank,” he elaborated.

“We need to consider a new role for Jordan, one of Jordanian support,” he told Ynet. “Depending, of course, on the willingness of Abbas and (Jordanian king) Abdullah, we must begin to coordinate Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian security cooperation.”

Now that’s something that hasn’t been tried before. Make the Arabs take care of the mess they helped to create. What a novel idea.

Too bad Bibi isn’t in charge right now. Because I’ve changed my mind about him. I think he has a shot at fixing things. Or he would, if he could ever get back in office.

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4 Responses to Trying the same failed policies. Yeah, that’ll work.

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Except do you think that the Palestinian Brigade of the Jordanian army would actually do anything. It is true that the Jordanians reacted immediately and strongly (remember Black September) when they themselves were threatened, but when it is Jews who are to be protected???

  2. Mark in OC says:

    I’ve always liked Bibi.
    Times aren’t shaping up too good over there right now.

  3. Ed Hausman says:

    I like Bibi, too, but I agree with Mark in OC that the Jordanians have no interest in helping out.

    If they weren’t so scared of involvement, they would have taken Judea & Samaria as a protectorate, or annexed it, with Israel’s blessing.

    And shot every Palestinian Arab gang member, Hamas, Fatah, or whatever.

  4. cj says:

    Olmert and his ilk are speeding Israel toward suicide at 100mph — Bibi and his ilk will slow it down to 80-85. Either way, with the same old “leadership” tried over and over again, the insane policies of appeasement and surrender will continue unabated, as will Arab terror, murder and duplicity.

    I see light at the end of the tunnel but fear it’s an oncoming train, this train being the world’s desire for the eradication of Israel. Only a true, right-wing leadership (Israeli AND American) can stop this train.

    Bibi has already proved himself an appeaser in the past. His only saving grace is that he speaks English without an accent; this trait should not be belittled in a world where form is sometimes greater than substance. Bush’s biggest problem is that he lacks both.

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