The perils of working from home, II

You really need to be in a quiet home if you’re going to work from home. You can’t be in a 30-year-old townhouse with crappy soundproofing between units. On the one side, we have this year’s Teen House, where Daddy works all day and seemingly is unmoved by noise at night, so when his kids and their friends are setting off fireworks at midnight on July 4th, it is I who tells them they’re morons for shooting off fireworks in a parking lot and that it’s after midnight and they need to send their friends home and go inside. And during the day, I get to be the one that tells them their stereo—playing the one form of music I loathe above all others, rap—is too loud.

During one day last week, I got to deal with these kids on the one side, and then parents of brat on the other, who were playing [gag] Charlie Daniels music at ear-shattering noise levels. That kept going up and down, as if they couldn’t decide whether they wanted to annoy the neighbors or not. Just as I decided I was going out to a movie, the noise levels on both sides returned to normal.

It’s going to take me about six more months to pay down my debt and save enough money to buy my own condo/townhome/whatever. Moving to a quiet neighborhood is tops on my list. I may just make it a neighborhood without kids. Sorry. I like teaching them, but I have no desire to relive my teenage years’ constant boredom and loud music get-togethers.

Time to have a chat with Daddy next door. I suspect I have no shot at talking to parents of brat. Especially since I found a huge wad of gum stuck to the passenger side of my car on Wednesday. Now, I have no proof, but the passenger side is on the side of parents of brat. And it was a pretty fresh wad of gum.

If I find anything else, I’m going to put up a webcam.

I am so tired of apartment living. I know I only have a little more time to bear, but I’ve been crabby all week due to a stomach thing that I can’t shake, and lack of sleep. Mind you, being annoyed constantly by teenagers is not helping.

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One Response to The perils of working from home, II

  1. Houston says:

    Hang in there Meryl. God has a sense of humor and eventually he will even the score a bit.

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