IDF gets one of Tali Hatuel’s murderers

More to come as the story evolves, but it looks like a murderer of nine-month-pregnant Tali Hatuel and her four daughters has been caught.

Cleared for publication: Security forces operating in the Gaza Strip at the beginning of June arrested Jihad Abu-Dahar, an Islamic Jihad member, who confessed that he was involved in the May 2004 terror attack which killed Tali Hatuel and her four daughters.

Abu-Dahar was indicted by the Beersheba District Court on Wednesday. (Efrat Weiss)

Unfortunately, Israel does not have the death penalty. It should.

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3 Responses to IDF gets one of Tali Hatuel’s murderers

  1. RyaninZion says:

    My fear is that even if this news is accurate, this killer, like so many “rock star” Palestinian terrorists before him, will now be the focus of sympathetic mainstream media documentaries urging readers to “understand” his motivation for slaughtering a car full of young, unarmed girls.

    And, of course, he is certain to be on some future list of terrorists Israel releases into the wild as a “goodwilll gesture” to its good friend, Mahmoud Abbas.

  2. LynnB says:

    It should indeed. Watch for his release in an upcoming “gesture of good will” to Abu Mazen or (if he’s exposed in the meantime) whomever happens to be the terrorist-in-sheep’s-clothing of the day.

  3. Ed Hausman says:

    I disapprove of the death penalty. He should be hung by his, well, heels off a high place, while the ravens decide what to nibble first.

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