Colin Powell: Talk to terrorists, Israel

Colin Powell proves that it’s a good thing he’s not running the show any more. He thinks it’s okay to deal with Hamas, in spite of the fact that Hamas reiterates at every opportunity its wish to destroy Israel.

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday the international diplomatic Quartet on the Middle East should find some way to talk to Hamas.

“I don’t think you can just cast them into outer darkness and try to find a solution to the problems of the region without taking to account the standing that Hamas has in the Palestinian community,” Powell said in a radio interview.

He said Hamas, which controls Gaza, is not going away and enjoys considerable support among the Palestinian people.

“They won an election that we insisted upon having,” Powell said. “And so, as unpleasant a group they may be and as distasteful as I find some of their positions, I think through some means, the Middle East Quartet… or through some means Hamas has to be engaged.”

Okay, actually, I agre with that last quote. By all means, engage Hamas. Use tanks, bombs, missiles, and lots of ordnance. Because that is the only kind of engagement that the organization understands, and it’s the only kind of engagement it deserves.

What part of “We’re going to destroy Israel” doesn’t Powell get? Because I’ll be happy to explain it to him in words of two syllables or less. Here: Hamas hates Israel. Hamas wants to destroy Israel. Hamas also hates Jews. Back to second sentence.

If you think I am exaggerating in any way, I suggest you read the Hamas charter, which includes references to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and quotes the part of the Koran that talks about killing all the Jews.

The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.

Sure. Talk to them. You’ll get really far, farther than anyone else has ever gotten. Say, how’s that deal to get Gilad Shalit out of Hamas hands going? Not so good? Well, what about that army Hamas is working on? Think it’s just for peaceful purposes?

Shyeah. Talk to them. Right. That’ll work.

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4 Responses to Colin Powell: Talk to terrorists, Israel

  1. Jason says:

    Powell has never really been considered a freind of Israel so I am not surprised. Anytime that was ever brought up he or his suporters would say he grew up with lots of Jews etc. and knows some Yiddish, so he likes Israel A terrible sec of state, and another clueless has been.

  2. Joel says:

    Powell talks about Hamas as if they just have bad table manners.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    IIRC President Bush, in encouraging elections in the PA, mentioned that we would deal with the Palis if they elected people untainted by terrorism. They went and elected pure terrorists. No shoes, no shirt, no service. Neither we nor Israel are under any obligations to help a bunch of enemy terrorists. When the Palis want to get a life, instead of being a death cult masquerading as a nationalist movement, they can get rid of the terrorists, Hamas and Fatah, and organize something halfway decent.

    Strategically Israel is surrounded by enemies preparing for war on three sides, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas. Israel has the central position. Hamas is probably the weakest of the three. Israel should strike at Hamas before the other two are ready to attack Israel. Destroy Hamas as quickly as possible.

    Some have asked what to do with Gaza afterwards. Israel hardly wants to reoccupy the dump. One might invite the patsy Euros in, to govern the place and keep order, since they love the Palis so much. I doubt they would do so, or want to. Euro subsidies to the Palis are Danegeld to the Arabs to discourage them from supporting terrorism against Europe. Futile cowardice.

    Remember those Arab gangsters Hamas has to deal with? They were just one family of lowlifes there. I sugest Israel, once she conquers the place again, make a deal with the gangsters: “Keep order here, and prevent anyone mounting terrorism from Gaza against us or anybody else. Do that and you can do as you like here. Cross us and we kill you and all your fellow hoods, so that a rival family can take over your turf and your women.”

    Nasty? Yes. Nastier than what Hamas is doing? Nope.

  4. Doug Purdie says:

    I agree. We should talk to Hamas. We should tell them, “Just shut-up and listen!”

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