Friday faux peace protests injuries continue

I haven’t written about them in ages, but yes, if it’s Friday, this must be Bilin.

An Israeli photographer and two Palestinian protesters were wounded Friday in scuffles with security forces during a demonstration against the security fence near the West Bank town of Bil’in, west of Ramallah.

One of the Palestinians was struck in the head by a rubber bullet. He was evacuated to a hospital in Ramallah. The other Palestinian was treated at the scene.

The photographer was hurt by a smoke grenade and he too was treated at the scene.

Normally it’s the soldiers who get injured. And on average, almost no Palestinians, because the majority of the “peace” protesters—who are actually protesting the security fence every Friday—are “internationals,” a euphemism for bored twentysomethings who hate Israel (and usually America) and come to the terrortories to enable Palestinian victimization, e.g., the ISM.

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One Response to Friday faux peace protests injuries continue

  1. Robert says:

    Meryl, check this out:

    It explains a lot of things… It’s kind of hard to watch the whole thing, but trust me, it’s worth it.


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