Two major terror attacks thwarted

Two major terror attacks in Israel were thwarted in the past few days. The first involved a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.

A Palestinian teen detained by an IDF force at a checkpoint near Nablus Sunday was found to be carrying three pipe bombs meant to be used in a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.

The bombs were seized and detonated by army sappers.

An IDF investigation revealed that the youth was ordered to transfer the explosives from one side of the checkpoint to the other and hand them over to the would-be suicide bomber. The man was supposed to assemble an explosive belt using the pipe bombs and other materials, and travel to Tel Aviv to carry out the attack within the next 24 hours.

Another attack was prevented last week.

A suicide bombing, which was meant to take place within the next few days in Beersheba, was thwarted by security forces on September 3.

Police sources revealed Wednesday that the would-be suicide bomber was caught near the Egyptian border in possession of an explosives belt.

During his interrogation, the suspect confessed to working with the Popular Resistance Committees. The incident is still under investigation and was not released for publication until now.

But the terrorists are trying very hard to give us a “present” for the New Year, like the “present” they gave Sderot—kassams landing near a school on the children’s first day.

The highest state of alert was announced throughout Israel Tuesday ahead of Rosh Hashana.

Military sources told Ynet that the security establishment had eight specific indications of potential terror attacks over the holiday, as well as dozens of general indications of possible shooting and rocket attacks, suicide bombings and kidnapping attempts.

IDF officials told Ynet that terror organizations in Nablus, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front and Fatah were making intensive efforts to launch attacks into Israel.

The democratically-elected government of Hamas is actively trying to murder Israelis. These are the people whom Jimmy Carter thinks Ehud Olmert should talk with. Because talking works. It worked on Kim Jung Il, who Carter talked into stopping his nuclear program. Well, no, not really. It worked on Yasser Arafat, who Carter talked into making peace with Israel. Well, no, that didn’t work, either. Surely, if the Israelis only talk to the terrorists, they’ll stop trying to murder Israelis.

Because it’s working so well right now, while Ehud Olmert is talking to Mahmoud Abbas.

Well, it’s working for the Palestinians, anyway.

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One Response to Two major terror attacks thwarted

  1. Ed Hausman says:

    We should be talking to Hamas. We should should say, “Stop shooting or we will demolish you.” They won’t listen. They won’t stop shooting. So we should demolish them.

    As Senator Zell Miller said after 9/11: “I say, bomb the hell out of them. If there’s collateral damage, so be it. They certainly found our civilians to be expendable.”

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