It’s Link To Meryl Day

In the spirit of naked egotism and my quest to move up just a notch or three in the blog rankings, I am declaring today to be Link To Meryl Day.

Actually, I should declare it Link To Day, because the concept of someone linking to me is just a tiny bit creepy, because it would probably involved a lot of strangers actually touching me, and, eww–cold season.

Go ahead. Find a post. Link to it.

In return, I will–uh–um–post more! Yeah! I’ll post more.

Also, you may request post topics. I know Rahel wants more cat pictures. I will attend to that tonight after I get home from teaching.

Anyone else want anything in particular covered?

Here’s a teaser: I have the first post in my “Fifty Things About Meryl” series written, but have hesitated to publish it. Given the right incentive, it might come out of posting limbo.

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3 Responses to It’s Link To Meryl Day

  1. Elisson says:

    Hmmm…I’ll have to come up with something, but meanwhile, howsabout more Hulk?

    Hulk smash…ing good!

  2. Pingback: Soccer Dad

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