The meaning of confidence building gestures

As a goodwill gesture to Mahmoud Abbas Israel will allow 3500 illegal Palesitnian immigrants to stay.

In a gesture to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel will grant residency permits to 3,500 Palestinians who have been living illegally in the occupied West Bank, but will not act on another 1,500 Palestinians living in Hamas-run Gaza, Israeli officials said today. Many are the spouses or relatives of Palestinians who entered on travel visas.

In a reciprocal gesture President Abbas has announced that he will:
a) Accept a two state solution even if it doesn’t include all of the territory that Israel captured from Jordan in 1967.
b) Encourage his people to accept the results of political negotiations with Israel without resorting to violence even if said results are unacceptable.
c) Promise to crack down on the anti-Israel and anti-American incitement that appears in official publications.
d) Maintain a hardline against Hamas.
e) Give Israel the “finger.”

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

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I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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