The Israel boycott movement: Dying?

A little background on Ann Arbor and UMich: Ann Arbor is an extremely liberal college town. So when UMich and Ann Arbor liberals vote down a boycott of Israeli products by an overwhelming margin, you have to think that the left is beginning to twig onto the lies of the anti-Israel crowd.

Despite the efforts of a group called Boycott Israeli Goods, products made in Israel will remain on the shelves of the People’s Food Co-op of Ann Arbor.

At a meeting of the co-op’s Board of Directors last night, officials announced the outcome of a vote to determine whether the organization should boycott Israeli products. The final vote was 262 members in favor of the ban and 866 opposing it.

The motion to boycott Israeli goods started this summer when Boycott Israeli Goods proposed a referendum to the co-op’s board. The group aimed to protest what it said was cruel treatment of the Palestinian people by the Israeli government.

Although the co-op’s Board of Directors rejected the proposed referendum, the group collected 600 signatures – enough to force a vote by co-op members. A majority of the votes was needed to implement the ban.

And the losers are, well, losers.

“It wouldn’t have been this lopsided if that were the only cause,” said Morin, who ran unsuccessfully for the University Board of Regents in 2006 on the Green Party ticket. “I think a bigger factor is that we had opponents who were clearly supporting Israel unconditionally – in other words, Israel was their chief value, and they weren’t going to subject Israeli behavior to any moral criteria.”

Don’t you get it? It was the Zionists who blew the vote. All 866 members of the co-op who voted against the boycott were only thinking of Israel, as opposed to the 262 freedom fighters who were thinking of the eternal victims, the poor, poor, pitiful Pals. 76% of the co-op are obviously Zionist Zombies, led by Israel as their “chief value” (and wtf does that mean, Israel is their “chief value”?), voted against the boycott. Once again, the Loser Lefties are unable to comprehend that the reason they lost is because their cause is wrong.

The good news, though, is that a liberal college campus voted down by an enormous margin yet another useless Israel boycott motion. The tide, she is a-turning.

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2 Responses to The Israel boycott movement: Dying?

  1. ashur says:

    Note the lamguage “Israel as their ‘chief value.’ Once again the attempt to marginalize Jewish and non-Jewish Americans as fifth-columnists whose primary loyalty is to another country. It’s rather amazing that all the bullshit pre-world war 2 rhetoric of the American-Firsters is making a raging comeback

  2. x says:

    The point of these boycott campaigns are never to actually hurt the Israeli economy, but simply to provide a platform from which to smear ha-Eretz. The only way for the anti-boycott side to “win” a boycott measure is to show the boycotters as the unreasonable lying bigots that they are.

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