Palestinian terrorists aiming for farmers now

Not content with trying to murder schoolchildren with “crude, homemade rockets,” the Palestinian thugs are trying to kill farmers in the field now.

These are the attacks you never read about in the AP or Reuters reports. All you read about there are the Israeli responses to trying to keep their people from being murdered.

Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip launched three Kassam rockets into Israel Thursday morning, causing no casualties or damages.

Meanwhile, in two separate incidents near the Gaza security fence, gunmen opened fire at farmers working in their fields and at IDF bulldozers engaged in engineering work. There were no casualties in either incident.

Say, people who say that the Palestinians are only fighting against “the occupation,” kindly tell me which occupation counts farmers working in their fields. Oh, that’s right. The one that says all of Israel is Muslim land, which is, coincidentally, what the Hamas charter says. And oh yeah, a group that wants the UN to rescind the partition of Israel and insists that Israel should not exist. That kind of organization, and those kind of people, are the ones who would murder farmers in the field, and children in their beds.

The one that people say Israel should talk to. Because talking to an organization that wants you dead, that totally works.

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5 Responses to Palestinian terrorists aiming for farmers now

  1. Long_Rifle says:

    Didn’t the world LEARN from HITLER that appeasing EVIL never works!

    In a post WWII world how the HELL can the entire WORLD allow this to happen? I know they say those that forget their past are doomed to repeat it, but we haven’t even FORGOTTEN it yet.

    I’ll NEVER forget the death camp survivor I saw and got to talk with in the Jewish center we have here in southeastern Michigan.

    It’s one thing to read about it, but to see the tattoo and listen to the horror from a person that experienced it is something else.

    If the world ALLOWS it to happen again I’ll lose ANY faith I have left in humanity.

    In a world such as ours only true STUPIDITY can allow such pure EVIL to not only exist, but cloak itself under a shield of “wanting peace”.

    “And thus I cloth myself in old odd ends; stolen forth from holy writ and seem a saint. When most I play the devil.”

  2. dudefromthecheapseatsinhell says:

    How appalling. And then the ‘human rights’ organizations and ‘peace’ groups call Israel racist and apartheid for building security fences and checkpoints! This incident and all incidents like this should be given full publicity and coverage in the press and show those anti-semitic bigots and simply the ignorant ones that when Israel takes action, it does so in self defence, and that when palestinian refugees or children get killed, its because there’s terrorists hiding behind them.

  3. Neil G says:

    Actually, we don’t even have to go back to Hitler to see history repeating itself. In plenty of areas where Israel was first being settled Arabs were commanding the high ground and shooting at farmers while they worked in the fields.

  4. Lefty says:

    “Say, people who say that the Palestinians are only fighting against “the occupation,” kindly tell me which occupation counts farmers working in their fields.”

    But even if Hamas really only had the aim of ending the occupation, they’d still try to kill civilians in Israel. That’s what every other terrorist group fighting against foreign domination has done, like the FLNA, IRA, etc. That’s why they’re called terrorists, after all.

    (Not that the rest of Meryl’s assessment of Hamas isn’t mostly correct.)

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    The “occupation” Hamas and the other Arabs are referring to is Israel’s occupation of Tel Aviv, not any occupation of Gaza or the West Bank. So, short of committing suicide, there is no way for Israel to satisfy her enemies.

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