A self-hating Christian

If I didn’t know better, I’d say Polly Toynbee really hates being Christian.

It’s rather obvious that she hates American Republican Christians (and probably thinks all religious Christians in America are Republican and conservative).

Go read her review of The Chronicles of Narnia and see what you think.

Over to you, Christopher. This one’s out of my purview.

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7 Responses to A self-hating Christian

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    I heard a clip of the review from the “Values Correspondant” of CNN played on the Laura Ingram show this morning, 1 inch of snow canceled work (:-( , an the poor dear didn’t have a clue who C. S. Lewis was or what he intended Narnia and Aslan to mean. She said “some evengelical Xians” see a religious meaning in the story.

    Actually, she said it was the first of seven books in the series and compared it to Harry Potter, as if C.S. Lewis had written them because of Harry Potter (check the timeline). Actually, it is the second book of the series.

  2. I thought it was the first one. I read it in high school, didn’t care for the Christian symbolism, and didn’t read the rest of the series.

    I’m really missing the part where Disney is doing something wrong in marketing a religious movie to religious Christians. I mean, duh.

    But then, that woman is rather obviously anti-religious, so I suppose the success of the film will utterly disappoint her.

  3. TLtWatW was the first book written. It’s the second book in the chronology of the series, however, as shown by this site.

    This comment thingy shows me the comment as I type it. Pretty cool.

  4. What on earth makes you think she’s a Christian? Based on the last third of the peice, she sounds much more like a Christian-hating atheist.

  5. LynnB says:

    Polly Toynbee is a vocal and evangelical aetheist, but her antipathy to religious dogma isn’t limited to the Christian variety. In 2003, she was nominated by the so-called “Islamic Human Rights Commission” as “Most Islamophobic Media Personality.” Melanie Phillips beat her out, but she won the title in 2004 (beating out Daniel Pipes, who will probably win it this year).

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    “Most Islamophobic Media Personality,” eh? That would be people, like Melanie and Pipes, who wholly unreasonably ask that Muslims not go around killing others because they are not Muslim?

    Perhaps we need our own award: Most Kufrphobic Muslim Personalities of the Year. We would have to restrict it to those in the West, lest we always end up with a tie between the Grand Imam of Mecca and the President of Iran. We could have subcatagories: most antisemitic, most anti-Christian, most abject Western terrorist-sympathizer, greatest chutzpah, most lunatic website and so on. This could become a coveted award among the terror apologists. Meryl is the obvious one to lead the panel of judges.

  7. LynnB says:

    Meryl, I think Michael L is on to something here. This could be huge.

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