Torching synagogues: Now, with pictures!

The AP is still blaming Israel for leaving the synagogues to be burned by the pals (as if the most natural thing in the world is to burn synagogues), and now they have pictures!

And, oh yeah: It’s still Israel’s fault.

As they left their homes last month, the settlers took the sacred Torah scrolls from their synagogues, as well as prayer books and other holy items – symbolizing the end of the use of the buildings as houses of prayer.

Last year Israel’s Cabinet ruled the buildings would be torn down. Since the evacuation of the settlers, however, rabbis mounted a high-profile campaign to save the buildings, demanding the government see to it that they would be protected by the Palestinians or by international organizations. On Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet reversed itself, voting not to destroy the synagogue buildings.

The Palestinians refused to protect them, saying they wanted nothing that symbolized the occupation to remain. Early Monday, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said the structures would be dismantled like all the others.

“They left empty buildings that used to be temples, but they removed all the religious symbols, and they are no longer religious places,” he said.

The United States issued a statement criticizing the Israeli change of policy, complaining that it put the Palestinians in a position “where it may be criticized for whatever it does.”

And anyway, they weren’t really synagogues anymore, so it doesn’t matter, right? Right?

Say. Is there such a thing as an abandoned mosque? I understand the Buddhists and Muslims in India have been fighting over that concept for centuries.

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, Religion. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Torching synagogues: Now, with pictures!

  1. Apparent, Mahmoud Zahar did his Muslim Prayers in one.

    Should have left a few remote-controlled bombs in them.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Hindus in India, Meryl, not Buddhists. And yes, they have been taking over mosques (not necessarily unused) bujilt on the sites of Hindu temples after the Muslims conquered India. Like I said on another thread, what sacred places of other people the Muslims don’t steal they destroy. In India they did both, destroying the temples then building mosques over them. Just wait till the Wahhabis get their hands on Notre Dame Cathedral.

  3. yonason says:

    To suppliment what Michael Lonie says:

    The Hindus have long been on the receiving end of the “excessive kindness of islam,” and they are quite clear about how they feel about it…


    And we know that they say that the situation of the Arabs trying to steal Jewish land is unique among the Arab/Muslim terrorists worldwide, but a little research can put that myth to rest, at least for those who take the time….

    Here’s a site I don’t look at often enough, but it gives near real-time details of the Arab war against civilization:
    It is one of several I have that shows just how busy, busy, busy these destructive insects are.

    And we don’t know because the MSM doesn’t bother keeping us informed. But, if they did, we would clearly see that the Arab war against Israel bears all the characteristics of every other aggression they commit daily planetwide, and then some.

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