Condi Rice notices Egypt’s lack of Gaza security

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to find that Egypt isn’t policing the Gaza smugglers as hard as the IDF did. Actually, the big shock is that Rice is admitting there’s a problem.

Egypt is falling short in its efforts to stop Palestinians from allegedly trafficking weapons to the Gaza Strip through tunnels from Egypt, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday.

“I think it is fair to say that we have not been satisfied with Egypt’s efforts on the tunnels, but that in fact those tunnels have been there for a long time and it has been hard to stop smuggling,” Rice said.

“We are in conversations with the Egyptians and the Israelis about how that might be done better,” Rice told the House Committee on Foreign Affairs during a hearing on US foreign policy.

Gee. Perhaps actually doing their jobs might be the thing, instead of turning a blind eye to smugglers.

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3 Responses to Condi Rice notices Egypt’s lack of Gaza security

  1. *Shrug* Egyptian police and armed forces actively aid in the supply and transport of weapons for the smugglers… this is why when the border chaos flared up, it was more of a case on red-on-red casualties, just like when it’s red-on-red when Hamas and Fateh go at it.

    Were any of those EU observer-lackwits smacked around any? Or did they manage not to spill their tea?

  2. John M. says:

    I’m not sure it’s so surprising that Rice is pointing out the problem. For appearance’ sake, she has to put a little bit of cosmetic pressure on Israel on the settlement issue. But I wouldn’t say that State has been failing to speak out on problems like this.

  3. saus says:

    I read she’s sending the US Army Corps of Engineers to assist them. As usual, when the Arabs do nothing and the result is abysmal failure, Mama EU & Papa America waste no time to fill the void.. Lest the Arab countries ever have to take responsibility, or live up to their responsibilities for anything.

    Lest anyone forget the reason Israel left those borders to 3rd party patrol in the 1st place was pressure from Rice & the EU.. I think I’m going to start calling Rice’s initiatives at my blog going forward ‘Ricecapades’.

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