Chutzpah, Chinese style

China,the nation that launched a satellite-killer last year, is demanding that the U.S. release data from yesterday’s successful satellite kill.

China called on the US to release data on the shooting down of an ailing spy satellite, while the Communist Party’s newspaper blasted what it called Washington’s callous attitude toward the militarization of space.

China registered its objections well before the satellite’s destruction by a missile launched from a Navy cruiser on Wednesday, which likely accounted for the mild response Thursday from the Foreign Ministry.

“China is continuously following closely the possible harm caused by the US action to outer space security and relevant countries,” spokesman Liu Jianchao said at a regularly scheduled news conference.

“China requests the US … provide to the international community necessary information and relevant data in a timely and prompt way,” Liu said.

How do you say “Bite me” in Mandarin?

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7 Responses to Chutzpah, Chinese style

  1. Jack says:

    They’re just rattling the cage to see if anyone responds.

  2. John M. says:

    Like the time when one of their fighters accidentally rammed one of our patrol planes in international airspace. They blamed it on us and even went so far as to have the pilot’s tearful widow denouncing us on TV.

  3. I wonder if the New York Times will take China’s side, demand an investigation, and then blame Bush (for what, I don’t know) when the demand falls on deaf ears.

    If it happens, you heard it here first.

  4. Jeff says:

    According to google translate:


  5. Alex Bensky says:

    Dear China:

    Here’s the information–we wanted to shoot down the satellite so we shot it down. We could do the same to yours, in case you were wondering.

    Very truly yours,
    The US

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    According to T. R. Fehrenbach, in his book “This Kind of War,” the phrase “Na shunar du wa na,” meaning “this is what kind of talk?” is the Mandarin equivalent of “What kind of bull are you handing me?”

  7. Eric J says:

    Alex, that’s clearly an inadequate response.

    We should also send them the source code for Missile Command.

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