What the world needs now is…

Kitty pictures.

First, Tig in the front window.

Tig looking out the window

Next, Gracie exhibits the reason she is named: Grace personified. Watching her move is like watching music come to life.

Gracie moving gracefully

These are from December, back when Tig was still pretty much himself. Pictures of Gracie will be forthcoming after I remember to bring my camera home. I left it at school last week.

Blogging may be light tomorrow. The world is rather depressing right now.

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5 Responses to What the world needs now is…

  1. Mog says:

    Seeing your cats always cheers me up except knowing Tig is gone. Agreed the world is a depressing place and only going to get worse. Fire up that camera.

  2. Bob says:

    The world is rather insane right now.

    At times it’s tempting to say, “To hell with the world!” until we stop and consider that this verdict is indeed the world’s fate. But it need not be ours. Keep the faith; G-d is not mocked.

  3. Hugh says:

    That’s a great picture of Tig, and Gracie is a beauty.

  4. Mark says:

    Sorry to hear about Tig, Meryl.

  5. Rahel says:

    According to the Ailurolover Rebbe, the redemption of the world will come through cats. I will be posting on this at my blog as Purim approaches.

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