Humiliation vs. authorizing terror

Saab Erekat, one of the Palestinian spokesliars the media likes to quote a lot, is up in arms about how Olmert’s authorizing more construction in the West Bank is “humiliating” Mahmoud Abbas.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said he had appealed to the Bush Administration to pressure Israel to halt the projects.

“Why do they insist on doing this and humiliating Abu Mazen in front of the Palestinian public?” he said, using the nickname of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Wow, that’s humiliation. I feel really bad for Abbas. Because it’s not like he recently bragged about how many Jews he’s killed or anything. Oh, wait. Yes he did.

“I had the honor of firing the first shot in 1965 and of being the one who taught resistance to many in the region and around the world; what it’s like; when it is effective and when it isn’t effective; its uses, and what serious, authentic and influential resistance is,” Abbas said.

“It is common knowledge when and how resistance is detrimental and when it is well timed,” he added. “We (Fatah) had the honor of leading the resistance and we taught resistance to everyone, including Hizbullah, who trained in our military camps.”

And he also said that the Palestinians are ready to resume the war that was started two years before the “occupation”:

“At this present juncture, I am opposed to armed struggle because we cannot succeed in it, but maybe in the future things will be different,” he said.

So go ahead, Erekat. Whine about the “humiliation” of more buildings going up. The media will definitely publish your remarks, and ignore your boss’. Because they already did.

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