At long last, The Cube!

Many, many years ago, I was watching a show on TV that affected me so strongly, I never forgot it. It was about a man who wakes up in a cube-shaped room, where people come in and out of the panels, but he can’t leave. None of it makes much sense. It’s all theater of the absurd, and they’re trying to convince the guy he doesn’t really exist at some point. I never forgot the ending, either. The thing is, when you’re twelve years old, you tend not to notice the writers or producers of shows.

Well, another big cheer for the internet. I found “The Cube” on IMDB. Turns out Jim Henson(!) wrote and directed it. And better yet: It’s on Google. For free.

I’m going to grab an hour tomorrow and watch it. Wow. And to think, I got into arguments with people who insisted I made it up, or dreamed it. Nope. I was a kid, but I wasn’t wrong about this play.

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5 Responses to At long last, The Cube!

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    Is this the right time to mention Jericho just got axed?

  2. Aw, crap.

    It was a great show.

  3. Mog says:

    I’m not surprised as some of his earlier work was way different from his muppets. Was exposed to some of it in an exhibit I saw which focused a lot on said earlier work.

  4. chsw says:

    Henson? Wow!


  5. Tatterdemalian says:

    Henson Sr. was brilliant at writing dialogue, sadly a talent his son didn’t seem to inherit. That was the real draw of the original Muppet Show, and the key to its appeal to adults as well as children.

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