Actions have consquences

Via Solomonia, this excellent news from Chicago: The Presybterian clerics who met with Hizbullah are coming in for some severe consequences for their actions. Go read Solly’s article, and then read this. The end of the Trib article is particularly interesting.

Ald. Burton Natarus (42nd), who represents the ward where Fourth Presbyterian is located, already has voiced opposition to the proposed 745-foot condominium tower, which would be constructed on a parcel owned by the church behind its building. Natarus contends the project is too big, and he said at the council meeting that he will oppose rezoning because “it’s a bad project.”

But without naming names, the alderman, who is Jewish, predicted that “they are going to go back to the community and say, `That dirty Jew. That dirty Jew is trying to destroy our church.’ It has been said already.”

“We are deeply saddened that Ald. Natarus would make such a false and hurtful accusation,” Grisko said. “The Fourth Presbyterian Church is proud of the strong relationship that has been forged with its Jewish neighbors over many years.”

And of course, there’s the usual drivel about not being able to call a terrorist a terrorist:

At the council meeting, Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th) said the resolution was misguided and a “really bad idea.”

“I would remind people that the English thought that those of us who were involved in the American Revolution were traitors and terrorists,” she said. “Some of the activities that those in Israel took to gain independence for the country–were those terrorist activities or were those folks engaged in freedom fighting?

“I think this is complicated, and it doesn’t make sense for us to take punitive action against the Presbyterian church because of what this guy has done that we don’t like.”

Yes, because the American soldiers blew up coachloads of British women and children to make their point, right? Idiot. And we’ve been down the Israeli “terrorist” road before: Read up on the King David Hotel incident before slamming Israelis with that label.

In any case, this is going to be interesting to watch play out.

Actions have consquences, Rev. Reynolds.

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3 Responses to Actions have consquences

  1. Solomon says:

    “I would remind people that the English thought that those of us who were involved in the American Revolution were traitors and terrorists,” she said.

    Yeah, Hezbollah aren’t terrorist, they’re just people with a different point of view. /wretch

  2. MJ says:

    Just finished reading the article in the Chicago Tribune. The Tribune continues to be what it always was, an antisemitic newspaper. Consider that Edward Burke, who agrees with Alderman Natarus and Stone about the PCUSA does not have his religion identified- only the two Jewish Alderman do. Why?

    As for the PCUSA, they are an antisemitic organization. That’s not to say individual parishioners are antisemitic, but, that the PCUSA as an organization is rotten to it’s core.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    I’m getting fed up with this lie that American Revolutionaries would be considered terrorists by the British Crown. It’s simply not true, a twisting of historical facts to make a contemporary political point of moral equivalence that is vile and untrue in itself. Since, as I believe, the people who peddle this falsehood know better, it means they are themselves vicious, evil liars, and all the worse for traducing their own homeland in the process. Their only possible excuse could be stupidity, and they do not seem to me actually to be stupid people on any other matters, no matter how stupid and vile their beliefs and political positions are.

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