Hamas to Israel: Accept cease-fire or we’ll kill you

Way to conduct negotiations, Hamas.

Hamas has threatened an “unprecedented escalation” against Israel if it does not agree soon to the Egyptian-mediated cease-fire offer, the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat reported Sunday.

[…] “All options are open. The ball is in the Israeli court,” Abu Zuhri said, adding that if Israel continues its procrastination, aggression and blockade of Gaza, “it may lead to unprecedented escalation.”

Gee, it’s almost as if they didn’t hear a word Jimmy Carter said to them.

Then again, it’s not like they haven’t used these tactics in the past.

In the meantime, the kassam rocket fire continues. And terrorist groups say they won’t agree to the truce, and leave themselves a loophole wide enough to drive a car-bomb through. They “reserve the right” to respond to “Israeli aggression,” code for the IDF taking out terrorists who, say, launch kassams into Israel. The thing that PIJ does all the time.

The thing that bothers me is that Olmert is apparently going to accept this truce, knowing full well Hamas wants only to rearm and regroup.

On the other hand, Olmert may finally be facing a scandal big enough to force him out. Since Israelis don’t think he’s worth getting rid of for his abysmal defense record, maybe his corruption will finally do it.

Here’s hoping. Israel deserves better leadership than she’s got.

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2 Responses to Hamas to Israel: Accept cease-fire or we’ll kill you

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    Is this really a multiple choice question? Hamas is going to kill Jews whether there’s a “cease-fire” or not.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Hamas says it intends to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. History shows that it is wise to take such statements seriously. Israel cannot wait until the genocidal swine choose their moment to attack. Therefore Israel should attack Gaza and kill every member of Hamas the IDF can find, as swiftly as possible. The logic is virtually syllogistic.

    A lot of Arab civilians will get killed too. They put Hamas into power, they wanted the war against Israel, they will get caught in the middle, just like the Germans in WWII. Tough. Next time they should think harder before supporting genocidal swine to rule them.

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